Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Suicide on North bound 5

For those of you up to date on what is going on in the world many of you might have heard that a women was contemplating on whether or not she should commit suicide. Everyone of course made the same remarks "How stupid! Why won't she just do it already? Why at a freeway?"
You have no idea how much I wanted to yell at everyone and ask "DOESN'T A HUMAN LIFE MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?!?!?!?" I don't care if it's stupid or not if a person is deciding on whether or not to do it shouldn't that concern us more!? Instead all we do is complain because it's a bother in our life how many of us actually have this thought go through our head? "Well if she's deciding doesn't that mean there is still that small ray of light in her heart that encourages her to keep on living?"
Though all I kept hearing from everyone was the same @!#% everyone wanted her to just do it already so they can get on with their lives. How many of us can even be considered human anymore? It is times like this where I just want to yell at people because of how inhuman they act, but because I'm at school people start thinking "oh this guy is crazy."

That is why I write here because through writing people have a much better understanding, I am not branded as crazy but as a person with an opinion.


Din said...

You wrote this post before I could! No, but I agree for the most part... I was just thinking if she'd really wanted to commit suicide-- Wait, let me rephrase this-- If ANYONE wanted to commit suicide, wouldn't they pick a place where they wouldn't be stopped or noticed? I mean, if I were there, I would do my absolute best to convince her not to. Really, no matter how hard life is, it can ALWAYS get better if you make it that way. Throwing away your life isn't the solution. Sorry for the long comment, but I had to say that.

Kwenspi said...

I agree Andres. A life is a life, or "a person is a person, not matter how small," as Dr. Seuss put it nicely. However, there are two arguments I can make to yours. If one life is intertwined with the ending of another, what then? Should we both let them live, or kill the one that is going to kill the other? This is why I am not against war. If we were to let a violent, homicidal country or threat be as it is, they would kill us. Therefore, by being in war, we kill those would would've otherwise killed others. Don't think I am for creating war, because I am not. Killing to start a war is a sign of disrespect for human life. Killing in general, is a sure sign of disregard of human life. Suicide? Disregard of your own importance. However, to the emotional rollercoasters known as teenagers, we are easily confused. When we have such thoughts as suicide, we need help, not criticism. So in essence, you are right, they are human, confused, afraid humans, looking for a light of hope.