Thursday, October 8, 2009

Humanities Narrative

Now as most of you know I go to a project based school, which has its own personality guidelines,
guidelines that have been nicknamed The Habits of the Heart and Mind, or HHM for short. Now for every project of ours we reflect on it and ask ourselves did we incorporate the HHM? Well for me it is a problem trying to use all of them in a project, I say this because I only use some of the
guidelines unconsciously of course I use them all when I think about it but that was not the case
for my most current project "I believe in America" which honestly I do in some ways but with my personality I'm pretty much OK with anything. Anyway before I stray off subject like I always do I have to tell you what HHM I had used in this project. The first one is perseverance, you know "never give up never surrender!" Now the first time I saw this HHM I just laughed because I am really stubborn to the point where people are annoyed, so of course for me this habit is no biggie because of course my own personality takes into effect. Anyway in this project I never gave up, you can ask JBoss himself I'm pretty sure he remembers how much I kept bugging him so I can get my face plastered, as for my essay I just wrote what I felt and had my friend refine it, which I refined,which JBoss never looked at because I had to record it ASAP. Which brings me to the next habit Refinement which I unconsciously wrote about it already while I was making fun of myself. Which says that I am not really Mindful of my writing, for instance I just realized how many times I've used the word "which"that makes me wonder if I even used the next habit Mindfulness in this project at all and to be honest I really don't think so because when I write or do anything, I'm in my own little world and I completely neglect the real world. Though if I really think about it I guess I was mainly mindful in my writing because I usually cuss, yell get angry etc. it's a basically a mixture of emotions. Of course when I wrote my essay I had to think about my most rated G perspective on America, and I will be honest I have a ton of opinions of America some good and some bad, but well this is one person's opinion so why does it make a difference? Well for me I think that if you listen to every one's opinion on a subject you yourself obtain a new opinion on it. For me even if perspective is a habit when I write a piece of writing I am not looking for you to argue I just want you to hear me out and just have a taste of "my" perspective. Even with my friends I say the same thing I don't want an argument or for you to agree I just want you to have a taste, this is why I call my blog The Mind of Andres because this blog is all about my perspective. Of course another perspective and to be honest confuses me a lot is the difference between passion and Compassion those always throw me off. I remember when I had to do POL I mixed up the HHM Compassion with Passion, they really aren't the same thing apparently. Passion is well having emotion in what you do and Compassion meaning understanding the troubles and hardships of others. I wouldn't say that I have ever used it in a project I have only really used it to help my friends or others ou of hardships. So I guess in honesty I didn't really use it in this project at all, of course the same implies with cooperation not because I hate people, I love people, but mostly because this was an independent project maybe every here and there I helped with editing and refinment but really that's about it. The last thing I'm going to talk about and I know most of you are saying "FINALLY" is of course evidence. I have to say I had barely used it in my essay I have a ton of experiences about how evil humanity can be, and how good but I really didn't use those examples in my life as much so I guess you would say that was another bummer.

Anyway this is the end of it so bye bye and have a good day.
"No I will not stop posting posts I'm just saying this is the end of this post"

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