Monday, July 6, 2009

Lord of the Flies #5

What's up homo sapiens?!
Well in this blog I will be acting as a therapist or a counselor and I will be diagnosing the boys with a mental disorder. You know like OCD, Schizophrenia, PTSD and all the other things you can think of. There was also something I had wanted to say but I forgot about it when I was linking the disorders. Man and it was something really good, you know how I have a little rant at the beginning of my blogs...I forgot what I was going to rant about. Man this makes me so sad...well whatever, I'm just going to tell you something that I learned today.
"Wisdom comes from experience and nothing else."

Now it is time, time to enter the abbyss called my mind.

Date unknown, 1941
I have drifted on this weird island the last thing I remembered was how my transport ship got targeted by the German's...many people died. I don't know what day it is, but I'm pretty sure that I am still in the year 1941.

I have found a group of children on the island, "British", by the sounds of them. I ask them how long they have been here, they really don't know, not one has kept track of time. I feel that I am an outsider among these children, and to be honest I am a little afraid of them. Especially Jack, he's the main hunter on this island, and he "hunts pigs"(135) for his own separate group. Apparently there was a fight amongst Jack and Ralph about how things should be run, and it split up the children, one group just wants to have fun while the other just wants to get rescued. Right now I'm their only link to the outside world, I hope that someone rescues us. Or if at least someone tried searching for any survivors from the shipwreck and hopefully they run onto this island.

The longer I stay here though, the more I think that these children are losing their heads. Especially this one boy named Simon, I've seen him "talking to a pig head that Jack put on a stake"(137) for the so called "beast" the children are afraid of. I worry for Simon, I think that maybe he has a serious case of Schizophrenia. Many of the boys here have probably gone through a lot of things they should not be going through. This type of stress on a person can be serious it can cause a lot of damage to the brain. I think some of the boys are suffering from other mental disorders also. I will be writing in here later to talk about the other disorders I diagnose the rest of the children with.

1 comment:

mario053 said...

nice way you make seem like story... rather intresting. good job