Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We are all different which makes us all the same this is the common thread that everyone walks on. If this is true then why are there stereotypes? The answer lies in the truth, we are all different and it is these differences that causes these stereotypes. Throughout history we have judged people because of what one individual does. Why do we judge people because of one persons doing how come after 9/11 we just started saying all Iraqis can build bombs. History is supposed to help us learn from our past mistakes but then why do we make more, history has a part to play in this also, history causes these stereotypes but when we start getting to know people individually we learn that stereotypes don't exist that they are just obstacles keeping people from understanding that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Yet day after day we keep on with these stereotypes the reason is this the way we were raised, the way our parents raise us molds our perspective on life. In the past I used to think that everyone was nice but then things happened that made me wonder about people entirely, and it is this pondering that gave me the answer everybody is different and that you shouldn't treat them differently just because of what's on the outside. Stereotypes are the lessons of our history and our fathers, which is why I'm begging anyone that reads this that you should only learn from mistakes made in history and that you should act not as your father but as yourself. You are your own person and you don't have to have somebody tell you otherwise.

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