Sunday, December 16, 2007

If I was ruler of the world

Ok just to clarify I would never be ruler of the world one because I think total chaos will ensue and that I don't think that I'm worthy enough for that. Anyway...
A border is just something that separates and that just causes problems form home issues to worldly problems. If I could change that I would, I would just tear it down. All a border does is separate ideas, people, and most importantly problems. My friends they don't stay away when someone has problems you know what they do they help with them. They aren't selfish is what they are which is why they inspire me, they are my inspiration. If everyone could learn from my friends the world could probably better. The world isn't ruled by adults they are ruled by children it has since the first humans appeared. Chaos is what people believe will happen if the border gets torn down, that won't happen if we just learn together, work together, eat together, laugh together just do everything together. Alone we have no power but together we can do anything. Together is the key word here the some of us think that it is just the U.S. is the only one with problems but if you just expand your perspective you will see everyone does all we need to do is take one step not for our own selfish desires but to do something unselfish and help someone else with their problems. How do you change the world? With one random act of kindness at a time. If we do that then the world will be better all we need to do is just listen and see our environment. See what needs fixing and hear the people calling for a savior.

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