Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Inventors

Exactly what invented the things that we use everyday now. People built it but what made it? I believe children did, they have done this for centuries. If we never had the phase in our lives where we were all small and had it. Imagination, without a child's imagination exactly where would we be? How would everything look like? In my opinion everything would look dull and lifeless, we need that stage in our lives because it let's imagination be more innocent and colorful. We see the world made from great inventors who were in their thirties to eighties. But the imagination that they have it doesn't come from the imagination they have at the time they invented it, it comes from the child they were once. As we grow older our imagination slowly disintegrates but our ideas still stay as fresh as the day we thought of them. So exactly who do we have to be thankful for the people who are grown on the outside or the ones who still have the pure imagination of a child. Adults may have built an item but it is a child who made the item.

1 comment:

azure said...

Thats cool. It really shows that there is a child in us. Its cool how you find interest in such a topic. I wouldn't have thought that up.