Friday, March 14, 2008

Written thoughts

As I read and read the things written down by my fellow companions I can only say one thing sometimes, curse this world we live in, what do we fight for now money, land or is it because we have the minds of apes and do idiotic things? Why do we start wars why do we start the fights the battles, why do we shed blood? Tell me because I have no idea at all, I am trying so hard to prevent my friends from becoming empty shells but I feel so angry because I am only limited to just helping the people I know, if I could I would end wars I would end the problems of everyone, of the world, but I can't...can I? If I could just do it if I could just make the world better if I could just cure people if I could heal everything than would the world be a better place...wouldn't it? My mind is yelling yes and no, yes because there will finally be peace but no because people won't accept a better world, they are addicted to their problems and they just like causing more and more problems, if we are all striving for a perfect world why don't we actually DO IT!!!! WHY CAN'T WE SEE BEYOND DIFFERENCES, BEYOND THESE FREAKING PROBLEMS, WHY CAN'T WE TRY TO MAKE THIS WORLD PERFECT AND PEACEFUL LIKE WE SAY WE DO!!!! I'LL TELL YOU WHY BECAUSE OF HOW WE THINK OF HOW WE ARE BECAUSE OF HOW WE DEAL OUR PROBLEMS WITH ALL THIS MINDLESS VIOLENCE!!!!!! If you are asking how would know all this you're just 15 well I'll tell you why because I was thrown into all of this I felt and grew from the freaking pain caused by this world I was just like everyone else actually but you know what I got out, someone took me out now my eyes, heart & mind have been opened wide. I've tasted the fruit and explored it's mysteries just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't see what is around me, I am no longer blind anymore and I can see it all. Light up the darkness that is what I always say but it easier said then done maybe that is why people gave up because it was just to difficult to change the way people see the it? They are probably right but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit just because something is hard to do doesn't mean it isn't worth doing, to those reading I must tell you to open up what is locked, stop talking of destroying the darkness and actually do it, I myself am trying to start a club revolved around the things I have just discussed, EVEN IF I CAN'T DO IT SOMEONE ELSE WILL HAVE THIS SAME GOAL AND THEY WILL SUCCEED WHERE I HAVE FAILED, LIGHT UP THE DARKNESS!!!!!!! This goal has only two options and that is fail or succeed it may be stupid to you but to me it is a pure goal, a goal that will be blessed and a goal where it will happen. LIGHT UP THE DARKNESS!!! DESTROY THE EVIL THAT SURROUNDS YOU, KNOW THE BETTER WAY AND SHOW OTHERS THE SAME PATH AND IF YOU END UP IN A DEAD END, KEEP WALKING WALK THE ROAD OF THE SKY AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE SOARING BY ANGELS, KNOW THAT YOU ARE FARTHER FROM THE EVILS OF THE WORLD AND TELL OTHERS TO DO THE SAME TO ESCAPE THE EVIL. SHOW THEM THE LIGHT, LIGHT UP THIS WORLD SURROUNDED BY DARKNESS!!!!!! Do what people fear to do, do what people don't want to, stop the wars.

1 comment:

Long Cat said...

Its because we're human. Humans advance, they strive, they get reckless. They have fights with them selves over things like land and money. Humans try to stop the violence, and at the same time cause it. Our minds all work differently, and that reflects upon our actions. Either the world will find a way to resolve the fighting, or it will destroy itself.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, the bell tolls for humanity.