Saturday, January 26, 2008

To the friends I left behind

If any of my of my friends read this, old ones or new ones remember I am always around even when I'm not really I'm always around, just to help. I am always there to help, I will come to comfort you I will go to endless bounds just to help you, but you got to tell me, I will run just to reach you I dont care if your 3000 miles away from me I'll come. You guys are my friends and you have taught me so much so let me return the favor. I am not doing this because I have to but because I want to. If you guys ever read my new year resolution I have to tell you I wrote it because of my friends, and now it has become a goal that I want to fulfill. I may need help myself but I will always put my friends on the top of my list. We grew up together and right now it may seem like our bonds are breaking but I need to say NO! are bonds will stay as long as I live, I swear it. You guys always saw me as someone great but I always saw my friends as the great people. My friends are my inspiration, my encouragement my light in the darkness. Everyone I know and met and befriended I always saw they all had something special, a unique gift that seperated the rest, I became friends with people individualy and not as a group. I just got to know the persons group and I learned that even they had something unique. We all became friends because you wanted to, all I have to say is thanks because my friends helped me grow. But always remember this as we grow apart "New friends are silver but old ones are gold." We all have a unique gift and all I want to say don't fall under pressure and lose it and if you do remember I am always around I am always watching like a sentenial being I am always looking after everyone, I am not around but I am always watching, and I will come when summoned. If you ghuy's ever need comfort, help, or advice call me don't just lay there and become a mess, because then I'll blame myself. Know I am always around that I am lways watching, I am always protecting you, I will always come when asked no matter the distance. Remeber even when I'm not around I am.

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