Monday, October 13, 2008


Pride there is one thing about that word that I don't like because it nearly killed me. I was so full of it I got blinded, I forgot my morals, my beliefs and most of all the feelings of my friends. I forgot that they were my friends I forgot that they were there, and it all happened because of pride. For a couple of minutes...or days, days is more accurate I thought I was all high and mighty and that I could handle anything. That was the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life, I thought that I was above all, I thought that I could do it by myself, but you know what I couldn't and in the process of trying I lost this battle of life. I lost everything that I thought I was above, some people say that one should be proud, but in my opinion it's not great to always be proud. I think that you should only be proud of the work you do and not be proud of yourself because you think you are so great and powerful.

Well I hope this teaches a few something. ^_^

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